Cikarang, Indonesia

Vision, Mission & Culture

We have a vision and mission to build a classy pharmaceutical company.


To become a leading and trusted provider of medicinal raw materials in Indonesia and the global market


  1. Build Production Facilities for Raw Medicines and High Function Chemicals with the latest technology and meet global standards
  2. Provide quality and highly competitive Medicine Raw Materials and High Function Chemical products
  3. Develop human resources based on innovation and competence in the field of medicinal raw materials
  4. And participate in realizing the independence of medicinal raw materials in Indonesia.

Corporate Culture

Based on KBUMN Circular No. SE-7/MBU/07/2020 dated July 1, 2020 regarding the Core Values ​​of Human Resources of State-Owned Enterprises, the Company established AKHLAK as the core values ​​of Kimia Farma Group replacing ICARE. The acronyms for the core values ​​of AKHLAK are Amanah, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive and Collaborative which serve as identity and work culture adhesives that support continuous performance improvement in every BUMN. To accelerate understanding of AKHLAK values, management implements it to all Kimia Farma personnel using various offline and online media.